
agile insights that help game publishers and ad agencies bring more players into game titles at a fraction of the cost of traditional market research.

based on interviews with real people who are active console or computer gamers, not big data, and delivered in game-changing software 24/7/365.

Over the past twenty years, our team has delivered insights to game publishers, developers, and ad agencies serving them.

Amazon Games
Blizzard Logo
Dreamworks Logo
Disney Logo
EA Logo
EA Sports Logo
Google Logo
Kabam Logo
Microsoft Logo
NFL Logo
Pixar Logo
Playstation Logo
Sony Interactive Logo
WB Games Logo
XBox Game Studios Logo
  • Blue Owl is my dream tool. It answers important questions in real time, so we can be agile.

    Video Game Publisher

  • Blue Owl provides the deep insights publishers need to make smarter decisions now.

    Director Franchise Growth
    RIOT Games

  • After spending an hour with Blue Owl, I was shocked at the low price. Best value ever.

    Director Consumer Insights
    Video Game Publisher

  • Thank you for bringing this awesome tool to the video game industry.

    Head of Global Research
    S&P 500 Video Game Publisher


how can I pull in more players?

the more relevant your message is to your audience, the more it will resonate, and the more gamers you’ll capture.

but competition is fierce: most gamers have many titles in their consideration sets but will only buy a few, so to pull more gamers into a title, you need to understand them better than the competition and craft messages that will persuade them to move your title to the top of their lists.

blue owl starts with whether an opportunity group is worth going after.

the three opportunity groups, those not aware of the game, those who are aware but don’t know much, and those who have the title in their consideration sets, are sized, and the short-term revenue for the last group, the “low hanging fruit,” is estimated by looking at the number of gamers who would buy at a revenue-maximizing price.

blue owl elden ring home

blue owl opportunity funnel

once you know how big the opportunity is in each group, one click will get you to the insights that drive a campaign to pull more gamers from that group into your game.

in seconds, blue owl generates a complete report including a gamer profile summary that includes attitudes, motivations, preferences, and perceptions of the selected opportunity group.

persuasion campaigns crafted with these gamer insights resonate with targeted gamers, helping them understand why a title is for them, and pulling them into a game.

blue owl elden ring gamer profile exec summary

blue owl gamer profile summary


does it work?

amazon games new world

amazon games open-world mmo new world N

one year before launching new world, Amazon purchased an annual blue owl license.

decision makers logged on every week to gather intelligence to support launch on  Sept 28, 2021.

new world  had a massively strong launch, one of the best in Steam history and a lot better than anyone expected.

concurrent gamers peaked in November, then went into steady decline.

in February of 2022, Amazon decided to use blue owl’s gamer profile for New World’s lowest hanging fruit to pull in new players.

the low-hanging fruit profile revealed substantive differences from players targeted by Amazon’s original campaign.

using blue owl insights, Amazon crafted and launched a new campaign in March 2022.

blue owl gamer profile page

blue owl new world gamer profile summary

within three weeks, the decline had reversed and Amazon had picked up over 131,000 players.

new world mmo active players chart

new world active players

continuous marketing insights and a smart, agile marketing team make all the difference.

if you’re missing out on blue owl insights, you’re leaving money on the table—up to 50% of first 90 day sales.


how can I bring in players with price optimization?

the industry is hypercompetitive and most gamers have dozens of games in their consideration sets.

with so many games vying for gamer attention, pricing can be the factor that pushes a title to the top of the list.

blue owl takes respondents through a hypothetical online store full of games each gamer says they intend to buy to see what they will pay.

the resulting price sensitivity curve allows marketers to make informed, agile decisions and trade off number of gamers against revenue.

blue owl price curve sekiro

blue owl price-revenue curve for sekiro: shadows die twice


what are the best measures of marketing effectiveness?

blue owl provides the important basics of unaided and aided awareness at a fraction of the price of Nielsen.

we also add a “quality of awareness” measure that captures both breadth and depth of awareness.

but, effective marketing is about more than awareness.

blue owl tracks how many gamers you move through the marketing funnel from being unaware to being aware of the title but not knowing much about it, to knowing enough to have it their consideration set.

having these metrics continuously helps you understand more completely the effectiveness of marketing activities and provides insights into areas for improvement.

blue owl overwatch 2 awareness trend

blue owl overwatch 2 awareness trend

see how agile, actionable market research can help you bring in more players.

our story

Jeff D Brazell Photo

our founder and CEO, Jeff D. Brazell is a Professor of Marketing at the University of Utah and Director of the Center for Strategic Analytics. He also has over 25 years’ experience in industry helping business leaders make better, data-supported marketing decisions.

in a hypercompetitive world that demands smarter, faster decisions, he has heard the same complaint from leaders in all sizes of companies: ”Why can’t I get the information I need when I need it without costing me so much?”

current processes and methods are:


Siloed Photo


Disconnected Photo


Poorly Socialized Photo


Labor Intensive Photo



dr. brazell gathered a team of experts and founded Blue Owl AI in 2017 to address each one of these shortcomings. In contrast to traditional offerings, Blue Owl AI is:

Cheetah Photo


Bo gathers insights proactively.

Contextualized photo


Bo’s breadth generates understanding.

Connected Bridge Photo


Bo connects the dots, unifying decisions.

Socialized couple on swings


Bo is right insights, right people, right time.

Labor Saving Washing Machine


Bo helps insights and marketing efficiency.

Saving Money Affordable


Bo is a fraction of the cost of traditional.

over the past twenty-five years, members of the blue owl team had worked extensively in the video game industry.

one of our early investors also has worked in video games for his career and wanted blue owl to bring these amazing tools to the industry he loves

so, blue owl for video games was born—the first industry where blue owl advantages could be leveraged to win.

video gamers